“this is not a prison, the real prison is where we return to.”

PrisonInsideMe_Teaser from laylafilm on Vimeo.

I have visited the mockup prison, “Prison Inside Me” during my artist residency in Korea and I was totally fascinated with how people pay hundreds of dollars to spend a day in a prison. Honestly, the life in Korea is not easy. People often work for 15 hours a day and the working conditions are very stressful but never though that the escape could be a prison. My project is an essay film that includes quotes from four participants of the prison. Those quotes revolves around the idea that “this is not a prison, the real prison is where we return to.” I have already interviewed my protagonists and the founder and the co-founder of the prison during my stay. The project takes the interviews as the starting point of the essayistic approach and relates the themes such as competitive education, working hours and job market with the images from various parts of Korea while questioning the motivations of the participants to enter a paid prison voluntarily.